Sarah KeySarah Key

Sarah Key - Beat That Back Pain

Pain Relief Solutions

Spinal Decompression Therapy


Spinal decompression therapy has been around for ages. In the clinical world it is known as ‘traction’ with patients making their way into hospital Outpatient Departments or private clinics for a session once a week, say, if they are lucky. Traction like this is good but the trouble is it doesn't last. You've got to be able to do your own traction yourself - preferably every day and for life.  

Traction couches, or spinal decompression tables still look Dickensian with bulky spinal decompression harnesses of ropes, Velcro straps and buckles, with the bed splitting in half and separating as the body is stretched, rather like the old-fashioned drawings of being drawn-and-quartered.

Spinal decompression is simply pulling the spinal segments apart.

With the burgeoning industry of spinal decompression therapy, the profession is working on the premise that the upright human spine compresses at the base because it carries more load and that decompressing it will have beneficial effects. We now have better scientific evidence base for what is actually going on. 

[Image]: Sustained spinal compression leaches fluid from the discs, the lumbar more so that thoracic and cervical levels.


Download the Spinal Decompression Therapy Video Package to Learn Exactly How to Do the Exercises

Here are just three of the six videos in the Back Treatment Package:

1. Spinal Therapy Starts with Decompression

You will be amazed how much information is here and how it makes such sweet, logical sense. This short video explains all about how the segments  telescope down onto the sacrum and how this is the first flaw for therapy to deal with. 

2. How To Do Your Own Spinal Decompression

The next video in the series of 'Back Pain Treatment Videos' tells you, with Sarah herself showing you how and talking you through each important step. It's invaluable watching. Just how to get it right. 

3. Learn The Three Steps of 'How To Use The BackBlock'

Although the BackBlock seems incredibly simple, there's a subtlety to its magic and you need to get it just right. Near enough isn't good enough!  It makes such a difference too when you feel confident you're getting it absolutely right. 

Read more about the video package here

Sarah Key says:

"When I was a child I recall my father doing his own cervical spinal decompression by hanging himself with a neck harness attached to ropes and pulleys from the rafters in his workshop, trying to cure a pinched nerve in his neck. I recall him musing at the time that he felt better afterwards but couldn’t understand why (he was not medical). Surely, he thought, the spinal segments would all chonk together again as soon as he let go the ropes. I never forgot that phrase: 'all chonk together again' and many years later I had to deal with that very conundrum myself, as a practicing therapist.  He got better, although he looked a fright in the doing, with his large bony feet dangling several inches above the floor and the flesh of his now very red face pulled up into folds and making his eyes into slits. Years later, it was part of my professional journey to work out why. 

Now I have a pretty good idea why, and have based my 40 year career on putting this into practice.  My simple back block regime has saved countless patients from the surgeon’s knife. Including this in your daily routine will also prevent back pain into the future."

Here's More Easy Reading on Do-it-Yourself Spinal Decompression Therapy

Read about how preparatory Spinal Mobilisation - usually done with the hands, although with The Sarah Key Method, the feet - is essential for effective spinal decompression.

The Benefits of Spinal Decompression
At a macro level, the BackBlock 'pressure change therapy' works on the large muscles and ligaments of the low back and hips. It also works on the cells of the intervertebral disc and various internal physiological processes at a micro level.

Do-It-Yourself Spinal Decompression
A central tenet of the Sarah Key Method is self treatment, using a BackBlock to reverse longstanding spinal compression.

Scientific Evidence-Base for Spinal Decompression
Much spinal therapy is entered into in good faith, with no proper understanding of the underlying sciences to explain the problem, or the solution.

Spinal Decompression Exercises
These are the mainstay of the Sarah Key Method; an essential part of therapy to counteract the ever-present forces of gravity loading down upon the spine and compressing its base.

Three Best Stretching Exercises For Back Pain
This is a quick recap of what you can do to pull your spinal segments apart and relieve back pain 'on the run'. 

Upper Back Pain Treatment
Read about how to relieve pain in your neck and shoulders after too long on the computer!

How To Fix Shearers' BackBack pain is the blight of all shearers. Follow this simple routine - both during the shearing day and in the evening after work.


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